Dr. Stephanie Musy
Assistant / Postdoc
Assistant / Postdoc
Assistant / Postdoc
Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Departement Umweltwissenschaften
FG Schilling

Assistant / Postdoc

FG Schilling
Bernoullistrasse 30
4056 Basel


Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Departement Umweltwissenschaften
FG Schilling

Assistant / Postdoc

FG Schilling
Bernoullistrasse 30
4056 Basel


Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Departement Umweltwissenschaften
FG Schilling

Assistant / Postdoc

Bernoullistrasse 30/32
4056 Basel


Research Interest

My research interest focuses on the understanding of simple and complex aquifer systems for sustainable water resource policies for communities around the world. My expertise is addressing questions about groundwater recharge rates, flow paths, and residence times by applying groundwater age-dating methods including 39Ar, 37Ar, 85Kr, 3H, 3He/4He, and 222Rn. I currently work on the explicit simulations of tracers with Integrated Surface and Subsurface Hydrological Models (ISSH) and advanced hydrological tracer methods.

I am involved in the Mount Fuji (Japan) project, for which we are developing a 3D numerical model to investigate the interactions between shallow and deep groundwater circulations, tectonic activity, anthropogenic pressure, and climate change in a complex hydrogeological system. This project is run in close collaboration with colleagues from Japan.

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Stephanie_Musy2


Since 2023
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Basel, CH

Postdoctoral Researcher, Climate and Environmental Physics, University of Bern, CH

Ph.D. research student, Climate and Environmental Physics, University of Bern, CH

Master research student – Geotop, University of Quebec in Montreal, CAN

Scientific collaborator – Juracime SA, Cornaux, CH

Hydrogeologist (intern) – Geotest SA, Bern, CH


2022    Ph.D. in Climate Sciences, UniBe, CH

2018    MSc in hydrogeology and geothermic, UniNe, CH

2016    BSc in Natural Systems, UniNe, CH