Prof. Dr. Oliver Schilling
Oliver Schilling
Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Departement Umweltwissenschaften
FG Schilling


Bernoullistrasse 30/32
4056 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 35 92

Research Interest

In our research, we aim to improve the conceptual and quantitative understanding of surface water-groundwater interactions in diverse environments. We base the characterization of hydrogeological and ecohydrological processes on two fundamental pillars: (a) on diverse observations of hydrological and biogeochemical fluxes and processes, and (b) on integrated surface-subsurface hydrological models (ISSHM). On the one hand, integrating observations that represent different spatial and temporal scales is necessary to characterize the highly dynamic and complex behavior of hydrological and biogeochemical processes in the subsurface, on the surface, in the atmosphere and in the biosphere. On the other hand, numerical models able to simulate all relevant fluxes and processes throughout both the surface and the subsurface in a physically based manner are necessary to quantify and predict the current and future behavior of hydrogeological systems. To take full advantage of both domains in the advancement of our understanding of hydrological and biogeochemical processes in surface water-groundwater systems, we integrate both components via state-of-the-art model calibration and data assimilation algorithms.

We currently focus our efforts on developing and employing novel hydrological tracer techniques and on advancing the simulation of surface water-groundwater systems with ISSHM by calibration against tracer data. Tracer techniques that we currently develop and employ include dissolved atmospheric noble gases, microbial information based on environmental DNA or flow cytometry, and naturally present radioactive tracers such as 222Rn, 37Ar or 3H/3He. We are particularly interested in using techniques that allow near real-time measurements of tracers online and directly in the field.

Special attention, however, is dedicated to investigations of the complex and dynamic surface water-groundwater interactions that occur along the gravelly alluvial rivers that are used for drinking water production via bank filtration, which in Switzerland account for around 30% of the total drinking water production, and in Europe for more than 50%.


Academic Appointments and Employment

Since 2022        Assistant Professor of Hydrogeology, University of Basel & Eawag, CH

2020 – 2022      Research Fellow, Université de Neuchâtel (UniNe), CH

2020 – 2022      Coordinator of the Swiss Water-Earth Systems (WES) PhD school, UniNe, CH

2019 – 2020       Research Fellow, Flinders University, AUS

2017 – 2019       SNFS Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellow, Laval University (ULaval), CAN

2017                  Postdoctoral Researcher, UniNe, CH

2013 – 2017       PhD Student, UniNe, CH

2012                  Hydrogeologist, NTEC Environmental Technology, AUS

2011 – 2012       Research Assistant, WA Geothermal Centre of Excellence, CSIRO, AUS

2010 – 2011       Research Assistant, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich), CH

2010                  Environmental Internship, South Florida Water Management District, USA

2010                  Environmental Internship, Umwelt und Energie Luzern, CH



2023                  CAS in Leadership in Science, FHNW, CH

2021 - 2022       CAS in Advanced Machine Learning, University of Bern, CH (paused)

2019 – 2020       Flinders Foundations in Higher Education Teaching, Flinders University, AUS

2013 – 2017       PhD in Hydrogeology, UniNe, CH

2015 – 2016       CAS in Applied Statistics, ETH Zürich, CH

2005 – 2011       BSc & MSc in Environmental Sciences, ETH Zürich, CH


Academic achievements, services, fellowships, and awards

Since 2025         Editor, Hydrogeology Journal

Since 2022         Member Teaching Committee, BSc&Msc in Geosciences, University of Basel

Since 2021         Associate Editor, Frontiers in Water

2020 – 2022       National coordinator, Swiss Water-Earth Systems PhD School

2018 – 2024       Associate Editor, Hydrogeology Journal

2017 – 2018       SNSF early postdoc.mobility fellowship, (grant: P2NEP2_171985)

2017                   Prix Leon du Pasquier and Louis Perrier, Best PhD thesis at UniNe in 2017