Ongoing Projects (Lehmann Group)
Elucidating the marine and freshwater methane cycle in the Canadian Arctic today and in the past (J. Lattaud, SNF Ambizione PZ00P2_209012 / 1)
Ecosystem connectivity effects on the metabolism and greenhouse gas fluxes in warming Arctic and Alpine lakes (“ConGas”) (M. Lehmann, M. Bartosiewicz, C. Frey, J. Zopfi; SNF Lead Agency 200020E_202483, 2022-2026)
NoLaMa “No laughing matter – N2O cycling in lacustrine environments” (C. Frey, M. Lehmann, J. Zopfi; SNF 200021_201027; 2021-2025)
NISOPROX - Ground-truthing the diatom-bound nitrogen isotope proxy: Experimental and field studies in the marine and lacustrine environments (A.S. Studer, C. Bigler, M.F. Lehmann, G.H. Haug; SNF 200021_200766; 2021-2025)
The “methane paradox”: Mechanisms of CH4 production in oxygenated lake waters (M.Lehmann, M.Bartosiewicz, J.Zopfi; SNF 200020_192327; 2020-2021)
Expression of benthic isotope effects associated with nitrogen elimination and regeneration in lacustrine sediments (M.Lehmann, C. Frey, J. Zopfi; SNF 188728; 2020-2024)
Isotope Fractionation of O2 Associated with Enzymatic and Photochemical Reactions in Aquatic Environment (S.Pati; Ambizione SNF PZ00P2_186083; 2019-2023)
Regulation of N2O production in the eastern tropical North Pacific oxygen minimum zone (C. Frey; 2018-2021)
GLACE GreenMelt – Impact of Greenland ice melt and discharge on marine biogeochemistry, nutrient fluxes, and productivity Expedition postponed
University Basel: M.Lehmann (PI), C.Frey, Th.Kuhn;
Co-PIs: Cassar, N., Division of Earth & Ocean Sciences, Duke University (USA); Hopwood, M. GEOMAR (Germany); Jaccard, S., Institute of Geological Sciences & Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern; Simo, R., Schuback, N., Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC (Spain); Vance, D., ETH Zürich)
Advanced understanding of autotrophic nitrogen removal and associated N2O emissions in mixed nitritation-anammox systems through combined stable ISOtopic and MOLecular constraints (ISOMOL)
Sinergia (M. Lehmann, J. Mohn, A. Joss, H. Bürgmann; in collaboration with EAWAG and EMPA; CRSII5 170876; 2017-2021)
The “methane paradox” in Lake Lugano – understanding methane production in oxygenated waters of lacustrine environments (M. Lehmann, M. Bartosiewicz, H. Niemann, J. Zopfi; SNF 169552; 2017-2020)
Copper availability, methanobactin production and methane oxidation in two Swiss lakes: Constraints on copper acquisition by methanotrophic bacteria (M. Lehmann, S. Krämer (Uni Wien), K. Gademann (Uni Zürich), H. Niemann, J. Zopfi; SNF D-A-CH program; SNF160051, 2016-2019)
Seasonal dynamics of coupled nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon cycling in redox transition zones of Lake Lugano (J. Zopfi/M. Lehmann; SNF 153055; 2014-2018)
Microhabitat effects on N2O emissions from semi terrestrial soils
(J. Luster/M. Lehmann; in collaboration with WSL; SNF 147002; 2014-2018)
Lacustrine in situ production and stable carbon isotope dynamics of branched GDGTs (H. Niemann, M. Lehmann; SNF 162414; 2015-2016)
Isotope analysis of well dated cattle and red deer bones from Swiss Neolithic lakeshore settlements as indicator for herd management, dairying, environment and human impact
(J. Schiebler, M. Lehmann, B. Eberschweiler, H. Brem; in collaboration with IPNA, University Basel; SNF 143815; 2013-2016)
Microbes and biogeochemical processes associated to methane oxidation at deep sea brines and highly active cold seep systems (H. Niemann; SNF 159878; 2015-2016)
Environmental controls on N2O production by ammonium oxidizing bacteria in marine and lacustrine environments – a stable isotopic approach (M. Lehmann; SNF 159197; 2015-2016)
Validation and application of a novel, terrestrial biomarker-based paleo-thermometer to Holocene Swiss lake sediments and soils
(H. Niemann, M. Lehmann, F. Anselmetti; SNF 140662; 2012-2015)
Microbial methane consumption in contrasting ocean environments: effects of elevated seepage and geochemical boundary conditions
(H. Niemann/T. Treude; in collaboration with GEOMAR Kiel; SNF 138057; 2012-2015)
Isotopic constraints on seasonal N2O dynamics in marine and lacustrine environments
(M. Lehmann/C. Frame; SNF 147106; 2013-2015)
Microbes and oxidants involved in methane oxidation in South Alpine Lake Lugano
(M. Lehmann, H. Niemann, C. Schubert, J. Zopfi; SNF 137636; 2011-2012)
Alteration of isotopic signatures during organic matter degradation (ISOALT) – Nitrogen in aquatic environments
(M. Lehmann/C. Schubert, in collaboration with EAWAG; SNF 131870;2011-2013)
Nitrogen elimination pathways and associated isotope effects in Swiss eutrophic Lake Lugano
(M. Lehmann/J. Zopfi; SNF 129491;2010-2013)
Biogeochemical fluxes in South-Alpine Lakes: Linking nitrogen and methane dynamics in lacustrine redox-transition zones using a combined stable isotope and molecular approach
(M. Lehmann, H. Niemann, C. Schubert, J. Zopfi; SNF 12861; 2008-2011)
Forecasting the response of a coastal ecosystem to persistent forcing: Hypoxia in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (in collaboration with the McGill University and the University of Quebec at Montreal; NSERC; 2008-2011)
The origin of toxic algal blooms in Bay Missisquoi – The role of benthic and water column N cycling dynamics (D. Bird, M. Lehmann; in collaboration with the Université du Québec at Montreal; FQRNT; 2006-2009)
Microbial degradation of organic matter and nitrogen isotope effects (M. Lehmann; NSERC; 2005-2008)
Nitrogen cycling in aquatic systems – Constraints from natural stable isotope measurements (M. Lehmann; FQRNT; 2004-2007)
Nitrogen cycling in the Bering Sea (M. Lehmann; DFG LE1326/1-1; 2002-2003)