11 Mär 2021



Kolloquium / Seminar

Botanical Colloquium by Prof. Catherine Graham, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)

“Linking patterns and processes across scales: a case study with Neotropical hummingbirds”

The botanical colloquium is a free of cost, public event organized by the botany research groups of Prof. Yvonne Willi, Prof. Klaus Schläppi and Prof. Ansgar Kahmen of the Department of Environmental Sciences.

National and international speakers are presenting their latest resarch outcome in the areas of physiological plant ecology, plant genetics and evolution and plant molecular biology. The talks are aimed to draw the interest of a scientific audience and are given in English.

The colloquium is part of the lectures agenda for biology students and is listed under the number and name: "60308 Seminar: Biology of Plants and Ecosystems". Inscribed students who attend regularly and fill out the required questionnaires will gain 2 ECTS.

The botanical colloquium series will take place online on Zoom - if you are interested to join contact maura.ellenberger@unibas.ch to receive the Zoom meeting link

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