04 Jun 2019
09:00  - 18:00

Botanik, HS 00.003

Ansgar Kahmen

Veranstaltungen / Franziska Grob

Workshop on 2018 drought impacts

The "Arbeitskreis Ökosystemforschung" of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ) invites to participate in a one day workshop to discuss the impacts of the severe 2018 summer drought on the functioning of temperate forests and other terrestrial ecosystems.

The goal of the workshop is to share first insights into data collected throughout the 2018 summer drought throughout Europe, to draw first conclusions on the impact of this exceptional climatic event on ecosystem functioning and mortality and to define future research needs to better understand the vulnerability of temperate forests and other terrestrial ecosystems to drought events. 

The workshop will take place in the Botanical Institute at the University of Basel, Switzerland on June 4th 9:00 - 18:00 and will  be hosted by Prof. Ansgar Kahmen (University of Basel), Dr. Henrik Hartmann (MPI Jena) und Dr. Nadine Rühr (KIT). 

In the workshop we will share our results in the morning by short oral (ca 15-20 min) and poster presentations. The afternoon is reserved to discussions with the goal to get an overview of the impact of the 2018 drought event and to define future research goals that arise from the observed patterns and processes.

If you wish to participate, please contact Ansgar Kahmen (ansgar.kahmen@unibas.ch) or Henrik Hartmann (hhart@bgc-jena.mpg.de). Participants are encouraged to share their research in the workshop. To do so, please submit an abstract until May 28th to Ansgar Kahmen (ansgar.kahmen@unibas.ch). Registration is free, travel and accommodation have to be self organised.

 We look forward to welcome you in Basel and to stimulating discussions.

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