Surface energy balance and greenhouse gas exchanges over urban areas
Our group operates urban micrometeorological towers in Basel since 1992, offering unique long time-series datasets of measured surface energy and CO2 fluxes. We develop and apply new methodologies to characterize the spatiotemporal patterns of energy and CO2 fluxes in the heterogeneous urban environment, detecting long-term trends and identifying the contributions from biospheric and anthropogenic components. Our methodologies involve the combined use of in-situ observations (i.e. Eddy Covariance, radiation balance, meteorology), remote sensing data and analytical modeling (e.g. empirical and process-based models of biospheric and anthropogenic flux processes).

Responsible team members
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Key publications
Stagakis, S., Feigenwinter, C., Vogt, R., Kalberer, M., 2022. A high-resolution monitoring approach of urban CO2 fluxes. Part 1 - bottom-up model development. Sci. Total Environ. 160216.
Nicolini, G., Antoniella, G., Carotenuto, F., Christen, A., Ciais, P., Feigenwinter, C., Gioli, B., Stagakis, S., Velasco, E., Vogt, R., Ward, H.C., Barlow, J., Chrysoulakis, N., Duce, P., Graus, M., Helfter, C., Heusinkveld, B., Järvi, L., Karl, T., Marras, S., Masson, V., Matthews, B., Meier, F., Nemitz, E., Sabbatini, S., Scherer, D., Schume, H., Sirca, C., Steeneveld, G.J., Vagnoli, C., Wang, Y., Zaldei, A., Zheng, B., Papale, D., 2022. Direct observations of CO2 emission reductions due to COVID-19 lockdown across European urban districts. Sci. Total Environ. 830, 154662.
Stagakis, S., Chrysoulakis, N., Spyridakis, N., Feigenwinter, C., Vogt, R., 2019. Eddy Covariance measurements and source partitioning of CO2 emissions in an urban environment: Application for Heraklion, Greece. Atmos. Environ. 201, 278–292.
Chrysoulakis, N., Grimmond, S., Feigenwinter, C., Lindberg, F., Gastellu-Etchegorry, J.P., Marconcini, M., Mitraka, Z., Stagakis, S., Crawford, B., Olofson, F., Landier, L., Morrison, W., Parlow, E., 2018. Urban energy exchanges monitoring from space. Sci. Rep. 8, 11498.
Feigenwinter, C., Vogt, R., Parlow, E., Chrysoulakis, N., Lindberg, F., Maconcini, M., Del Frate, F. (2018): Spatial Distribution of Sensible and Latent Heat Flux in the city of Basel (Switzerland). IEEE J-STARS, 11 (8), 2717-2723,
Wicki A, Parlow E, Feigenwinter C. (2018): Evaluation and Modeling of Urban Heat Island Intensity in Basel, Switzerland. Climate, 6(3),55.