Peer-reviewed publications

Journal articles

  1. Heimann, T. et al. (2024) “Phasing out palm and soy oil biodiesel in the EU: What is the benefit?”, GCB Bioenergy, 16. Available at: 10.1111/gcbb.13115.   
  2. Heimann, T., Delzeit, R. (2024) “Land for fish: Quantifying the connection between the aquaculture sector and agricultural markets”, Ecological Economics, 217. Available at: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.108090.
  3. Schneider, J.M. et al. (2022) “Global cropland could be almost halved: Assessment of land saving potentials under different strategies and implications for agricultural markets”, PLoS ONE, 17(2), p. e0263063. Available at: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263063.   edoc | Open Access
  4. Mehrabi, Zia; Delzeit, Ruth; Ignaciuk, Adriana; ...; West, Paul C.; Wittman, Hannah; You, Liangzhi (2022): Research priorities for global food security under extreme events. One Earth, Vol. 5, p. 756-766.
  5. Schuenemann, F., Delzeit, R. (2022) “Potentials, subsidies and tradeoffs of cellulosic ethanol in the European Union”, Ecological economics, 195, p. 107384. Available at: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2022.107384.   edoc
  6. Schneider, J. M., Zabel, F., Schünemann, F., Delzeit, R. and Mauser, W. (2022): Global cropland could be almost halved: Assessment of land saving potentials under different strategies and implications for agricultural markets. In: Plos One, 17, p. 2.
  7. Schuenemann, F. and Delzeit, R. (2022): Potentials, subsidies and tradeoffs of cellulosic ethanol in the European Union: In: Ecological economics, 195, p. 107384.
  8. Thuebe, Sneha D.; Delzeit, Ruth; Henning, Christian H.C.A (2021): Economic gains from global cooperation in fulfilling climate pledges. In: Energy Policy, 160(2022), 112673.
  9. Dantas, I.R., Delzeit, R., Klepper, G. (2021): Economic Research on the Global Allocation of Scarce Water Resources Needs Better Data. In: Water Economics and Policy, 7(3), 2150013.
  10. Delzeit, R., Heimann, T., Schuenemann, F., Söder, M., Zabel, F., Hosseini, M. (2021): Scenarios for an impact assessment of global bioeconomy strategies: Results from a co-design process. In: Research in Globalization, 3, 100060.
  11. Henseler, M., Delzeit, R., Adenäuer, M., Baum, S., Kreins, P. (2021): Nitrogen Tax and Set-Aside as Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policies Under Global Change Scenarios: A Case Study for Germany. In: Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol.79(3), p.625-625.
  12. Delzeit, R., Beach, R., Bibas, R., Britz, W., Chateau, J., Freund, F., Lefevre, J.,
    Schuenemann, F., Sulser, T., Valin, H., van Ruijven, B., Weitzel, M., Willenbockel, D., Wojtowicz, K. (2020): Linking global CGE models with sectoral models to generate baseline scenarios: Approaches, challenges, and opportunities. In: Journal of Global Economic Analysis 5 (1), 162-195
  13. Ho, M., Britz, W., Delzeit, R., Leblanc, F., Roson, R., Schuenemann, F., Weitzel, M. (2020): Modelling Consumption and Constructing Long-term Baselines in Final Demand. In: Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 5 (1), 63-108.
  14. Ziv G., Beckmann M., Bullock J., Cord A., Delzeit R., Domingo C., Dreßler G., Hagemann N, Masó J, Müller B, Neteler M, Sapundzhieva A, Stoev P, Stenning J, Trajković M., Václavík T. (2020): BESTMAP: behavioural, Ecological and Socio-economic Tools for Modelling Agricultural Policy. In: Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e52052. H
  15. Delzeit, R., Pongratz, J., Schneider, J. M., Schuenemann, F., Mauser, W. and Zabel, F. (2019): Forest restoration: Expanding agriculture. In: Science, 366(6463), pp. 316–317.
  16. Zabel, F., Delzeit, R., Schneider, J.M., Seppelt, R., Mauser, W., T. Václavík (2019): Global impacts of future cropland expansion and intensification on agricultural markets and biodiversity. In: Nature Communications, 10, p.2844.
  17. Delzeit, R., Klepper, G., Zabel, F., W. Mauser (2018): Global economic-biophysical assessment of midterm scenarios for agricultural markets - biofuel policies, dietary patterns, cropland expansion, and productivity growth. In: Environmental Research Letters, 13 (2).
  18. Delzeit, R., Winkler, M., M. Söder (2018): Land-use change under biofuel policies and a tax on meat and dairy products: considering complexity in agricultural production chains matters. In: Sustainability, 10(2), 419.
  19. Delzeit, R., Zabel, F., Meyer, C, T. Václavík (2017): Addressing future trade-offs between biodiversity and cropland expansion to improve food security. In: Regional Environmental Change, 17, 1429–1441.
  20. Mauser, W., Klepper, G., Zabel, F., Delzeit, R., Hank, T., Putzenlechner, B., A. Calzadilla (2015): Global biomass production potentials exceed expected future demand without the need for cropland expansion. In: Nature Communications, 6, 8946.
  21. Britz, W., R. Delzeit (2013): The Impact of German Biogas Production on European and Global Agricultural Markets, Land Use and the Environment. In: Energy Policy, 64, 1268–1275.
  22. Delzeit, R., U. Kellner (2013): The impact of plant size and location on profitability of biogas plants in Germany under consideration of processing digestates. In: Biomass and Bioenergy, 52, 43-53.
  23. Delzeit, R., Britz, W., K. Holm-Müller (2012): Modelling regional input markets with numerous processing plants: The case of green maize for biogas production in Germany. In: Environmental Modelling and Software 32, 74-84.
  24. Delzeit, R., Holm-Müller, K., W. Britz (2012): Ökonomische Bewertung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes zur Förderung von Biogas. In: German Economic Review, Wiley, 13(3), 251-265.
  25. Delzeit, R., M. Lange (2011): Economic Impact of Bioenergy Production on African Countries. In: Climate Change and Green Growth, Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea, 2, 37-54.
  26. Peterson, S., Delzeit, R., H. Gömann (2011): Landnutzungsrestriktionen beeinflussen Effekte von Bioenergie erheblich - Land use restrictions significantly influence effects of bioenergy. In: GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 3, 231.
  27. Delzeit, R., K. Holm-Mueller (2009): Steps to discern sustainability criteria for a certification scheme of bioethanol in Brazil: Approach and difficulties. In: Energy (34), 662-668.
  28. Breuer, T., R. Delzeit, A. Becker (2008): Biofuels: Die globale Renaissance der „Kraftstoffe vom Acker“. In: Geographische Rundschau, 1, 58-65.

Book chapters and series

  1. Delzeit, R., Klepper, G., S. Söder (2019): Rising energy prices due to inefficient support for renewables? An economic assessment of the status quo and alternatives in Germany. In: Gawel, E., Strunz, S., Lehmann, P., A. Purkus (Eds): The European Dimension of Germany’s Energy Transition – Opportunities and Conflicts. Springer, Berlin.
  2. Schünemann, F., R. Delzeit (forthcoming): Higher income and higher prices: the role of demand specifications and elasticities of livestock products for global land use. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Vol 64, pp.185-207. 
  3. Calzadilla, A., Delzeit, R., G. Klepper (2016): Assessing the Effects of Biofuel Quotas on Agricultural Markets. In: Dinar, A. (Eds.): The WSPC Reference Set on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the era of Global Change, Vol. 3 “Computable General Equilibrium Models”, pp. 399-442.
  4. Gömann, H., P. Kreins., J. Münch., R. Delzeit (2011): Auswirkungen der Novellierung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes auf die Landwirtschaft in Deutschland (Impacts of the amendment of the renewable energy source act on the agricultural sector in Germany). In: Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Vol. 46 "Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der wissenschaftlichen Politikanalyse", pp.189-201.
  5. Kellner, U., R. Delzeit, J. Thiering (2011): Der Einfluss des Standorts und der Anlagengröße auf die Kosten der Verbringung und Aufbereitung von Gärresten (The impact of location and plant size on disposal and transport costs of residues). In: Schriftenreihe „Berichte über Landwirtschaft“, 89, pp.38-55.
  6. Delzeit, R., W. Britz, K. Holm-Müller (2010): Modelling regional maize market and transport distances for biogas production in Germany. In: Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V. , Vol. 45 "Agrar- und Ernährungsmärkte nach dem Boom", pp.141-152.

Papers under review:

  1. Delzeit, R., Beach, R., Bibras, R., Britz, W., Château, J., Freund, F., Lefevre, J, Schuenemann, F., Sulser, T., Valin, H., van Ruijven, B., Weitzel, M., Willenbrokel, D., K. Wojtowicz: Linking CGE models with sectoral models to generate baseline scenarios: Approaches, opportunities and pitfalls.
  2. Delzeit, R., Calzadilla, A., G. Klepper: Impact analyses of agricultural policies – Why do model results diverge?
  3. Delzeit, R., Heimann, T., Schünemann, F., Söder, M., F. Zabel: Scenarios for an impact assessment of bioeconomy strategies: results from a co-design process.
  4. Henseler, M., Adenäuer, M., Kreins, P., Delzeit, R., S. Baum: Regional Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Abatement Policy Instruments under Global Change: a Modeling Study for agricultural production in Germany.


Policy Papers

  1. Winkler, M., R. Delzeit (2018): Kein Weiter so in der deutschen Klimapolitik: Handlungsvorschläge für die neue Bundesregierung, Kiel Policy Brief 113.
  2. Wilts, H., R. Delzeit (2017): Bremst das Ausschreibungssystem des EEG 2017 den Ausbau von Windenergie an Land?, Kiel Policy Brief 109.
  3. Sipangule, K., R. Thiele, R. Delzeit (2017): Achieving Food Security in the Face of Climate Change, G20 Insights, January 25 2017.
  4. Delzeit, R., Sipangule, K., R. Thiele (2015): Achieving Food Security in the Face of Climate Change. In: PegNET Policy Brief 2/2015.
  5. Delzeit, R., Sipangule, K., R. Thiele (2015): Priorities for Achieving Food Security under a Changing Climate. In: Rural21.
  6. Delzeit, R., Klepper, G., M. Söder (2015): „Sachstandsbericht über vorhandene Grundlagen und Beiträge für ein Monitoring der Bioökonomie: Wirtschaftliche Kennzahlen“ (Progress report on existing basics and contribution for a monitoring of a bioeconomy), Report for the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, supported by Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Projektträger Jülich, 49p.
  7. Delzeit, R., M. v. Lampe (2014): Quantification of contextual scenarios, measurements of key concerns and definition of policy experiments, Paper prepared for the OECD Workshop on Long-term Scenarios in Food and Agriculture, 22.-23.2014, Paris, 34p.
  8. Delzeit, R. M. v. Lampe (2014): Results of the quantified contextual scenarios over concerns, Paper prepared for the OECD Workshop on Long-term Scenarios in Food and Agriculture, 22.-23.2014, Paris, 23p.
  9. Delzeit, R., M. v. Lampe (2014): Results of the policy experiments, Paper prepared for the OECD Workshop on Long-term Scenarios in Food and Agriculture, 22.-23.2014, Paris, 31p.
  10. Delzeit, R., M. Lange, G. Klepper (2013): Fracking, globale Energiemärkte und die zukünftige Klimapolitik (Fracking, global energy markets and future climate policy). In: Kiel Policy Briefs, 64, 16p.
  11. Lange, M., R. Delzeit (2013): Über die Debatte im indirekte Landnutzungsänderungen (On the debate over indirect land use change). In: IfW-Focus (142).
  12. Delzeit, R. (2013): Effizienter wirtschaften statt größerer Flächen: Ernährungssicherheit für eine wachsende Weltbevölkerung (Operating more efficient instead of larger areas: food security for a growing world population). In: IfW Highlights 2013, 42-43.
  13. Delzeit, R. (2012): Modelling Options for Climate Change Policy and Agriculture with ENV-Linkages and IMPACT. Paper prepared for the Meeting of the Joint Working Party on Agriculture and the Environment, OECD, 27.4.2012, Paris.
  14. Delzeit, R., M. Lange (2012): Zusätzliche landwirtschaftliche Flächen reduzieren den Klimaschutzeffekt von Biokraftstoffen (Additional agricultural areas reduce the climate mitigation effects of biofuels). In: IfW Highlights 2012, 16-17.
  15. Delzeit, R., M. Lange (2011): Biofuel Policies and Indirect Land Use Change. In: Kiel Policy Briefs (37), 14p.
  16. Delzeit, R., M. Weitzel (2011): Reducing the Water and Waste Footprints of Megacities. In: Kiel Policy Briefs, 27, 11p.
  17. Duchrow, A., Gardener, M., R. Delzeit (2008): Biofuels Development in Drylands— Panacea or Empty Promise? Proceedings of the Side Event at COP 8 UNCCD, 5.-6.9.2007, Madrid. Published by German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) GmbH.


Other publications 

  1. Delzeit, R., Klepper, G., M. Söder (2016): An evaluation of approaches for quantifying emissions from indirect land use change. Kiel Working Paper, 2035, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, 18p.
  2. Calzadilla, A., Delzeit, R., G. Klepper (2014): DART-BIO: Modelling the interplay of food, feed and fuels in a global CGE model. Kiel Working Paper, 1896, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, 47p.
  3. Lange, M., R. Delzeit (2012): EU Biofuel Policies and the Regulation of Indirect Land Use Change. Kiel Working Paper, 1768, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, 25p.
  4. Peterson, S., Delzeit, R., B. Kretschmer (2011): Bioenergie und Landnutzungskonkurrenz in Deutschland (Bioenergy and land use competition in Germany). In: Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 3, 39-42.
  5. Berendt, S., Kaltenborn, W., Feil, M., Dereje, C., Bleischwitz, R., R. Delzeit (2007): Seltene Metalle: Maßnahmen und Konzepte zur Lösung des Problems konfliktverschärfender Rohstoffausbeutung am Beispiel Coltan (Rare metals: measures and concepts to solve the problem of conflict enhancing resource extraction unsing the example of coltan). Forschungsbericht 363 01 124, UBA-FB 000980, Texte 08/07.
  6. Breuer, T., Delzeit, R., S. Melzner (2007): Biofuels as a risk management strategy for energy safety in the European Union – An assessment for Germany. In: Aven T., J.E. Vinnem (Eds.): Risk, Reliabilty, and Social Safety, Balkema - Proceedings and Monographs in Engineering, Water and Earth Science, Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 2275-82.
  7. Delzeit, R., R. Bleischwitz (2005): Tantalum: A Case Study on Sustainable Resource Management. In: Martens, P.N. (Eds.) (2005): Sustainable Development Indicators in the Minerals Industry. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference, RWTH Aachen University, 18-20 May 2005, pp. 917-942.