Research interests
Working on the general reseach topic: "Elevational range limits and constraints to the evolution of the climate niche"
Other interests: adaptation, life-history trade-offs and sexual selection
Professional experience
since 07/2021 PhD Student – University of Basel - Working on the general research topic: "Elevational range limits and constraints to the evolution of the climate niche"
05/2019 – 07/2020 Master thesis in Evolutionary Biology Lab, IISER Mohali, India
since 2021 University of Basel, PhD student
2015 – 2020 Five year integrated B.S.-M.S. in Biology, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, Punjab, India
Narasimhan A, Jigisha, Kapila R, Meena A, Santhosh, Prasad NG (2023) Consequences of adaptation to larval crowding on sexual and fecundity selection in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 36:730-737,
Chechi TS, Narasimhan A, Biswas B, Prasad NG (2022) Male mating success evolves in response to increased levels of male-male competition. Evolution, doi: 10.1111/evo.14501
Gomez-Llano M, Narasimhan A, Svensson E. I. (2020) Male-male competition causes parasite-mediated sexual selection for local adaptation. American Naturalist 196:3, doi/10.1086/710039
Kapila R, Kashyap M, Gulati A, Narasimhan A, Poddar S, Mukhopadhaya A, Prasad NG (2021) Evolution of sex-specific heat stress tolerance and larval Hsp70 expression in populations of Drosophila melanogaster adapted to larval crowding. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 00:1–10,

Aaditya Narasimhan
Universität Basel
Departement Umweltwissenschaften
Pflanzenökologie und -evolution
Schönbeinstrasse 6
4056 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 xx