AI in learning

BSc and MSc thesis topics in the research group geoecology

Paleoecology and environmental reconstruction

  • Past vegetation responses or fire history
  • Diversity changes of aquatic invertebrates in lakes in Switzerland, Europe or Africa
  • Inference of past climatic changes based on biotic indicators
  • Early human impact on lakes and landscapes as reconstructed by biotic indicators in lake sediments
  • Stable isotope ecology of aquatic invertebrates and their chitinous remains
  • Spreading and impact of invasive species in freshwater ecosystems

Spring and freshwater ecology

  • Investigation of the Punt Periv spring complex in the Swiss National Park (BSc)
    Small-scale mapping and recording of fauna incl. Spöl

  • 20 - years after - Springs in the Röserental (BSc)
    Repetition of recordings 2004

  • Hydrogeology of alpine springs in the Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair (BSc/MSc)
    Investigation of springs with different catchment areas (glaciers, permafrost...) 

  • Springs in the Black Forest biosphere area (BSc/MSc)
    Characterization of structure and fauna, e.g. along an altitudinal gradient 

  • Longitudinal zonation of aquatic communities (BSc/MSc)
    Comparison of low mountain range - subalpine - alpine

  • Distribution of the cold-stenothermic whirlpool worm Crenobia alpina (BSc/MSc)
    Altitudinal zonation - distribution - temperature sensitivity

  • Evaluation of watercourses (BSc/MSc)
    Modular stage concept - SPEAR index

  • Influence of grazing on the colonization of springs in the Biosfera Engiadina Val Müstair (MSc)
    Fauna - vegetation - microhabitat structure - phyicochemistry

  • Development of an educational spring trail in Val S-Charl (GR) (MSc)
    From Val S-Charl to Val Müstair - biodiversity, utilization and endangerment

  • Experimental field or laboratory studies (MSc)
    Mesocosms - neozoa - temperature sensitivity etc.

  • Monitoring of a renaturation measure near Bern (MSc)
    Recording vegetation, structure and fauna - catalog of measures

  • Further topics are possible by arrangement!


Masterprojects for students of the MA Geography are possible in exceptional situations. If you are interested please contact Oliver Heiri or Stefanie von Fumetti as early as possible.

Contact details:

Prof. Dr. Oliver Heiri,, Tel: +41 61 207 08 02

PD Dr. Stefanie von Fumetti, Tel: +41 61 207 08 17