PhD Theses (in alphabetical order)

Alkhatib, M., 2012. Reactivity and amino acid biogeochemistry in St. Lawrence sediments: Effects on benthic DOM fluxes and the N isotope effects of N remineralization. PhD Thesis University of Quebec at Montreal.

Bourbonnais, A., 2012. N transformations in diffuse hydrothermal vent fluids: An isotopic and molecular approach. PhD Thesis University of Victoria.

Blees, J. H., 2013. Methane oxidation and emission in Lake Lugano (southern Switzerland) – A lipid biomarker and isotopic approach. PhD Thesis University of Basel.

Cojean, A.N.Y., 2019. Environmental controls of benthic nitrogen cycling in Lake Lugano South Basin, Switzerland – Pathways, rates, isotopic signatures and microbial communities. PhD Thesis University of Basel.

Ley, M., 2021. Microhabitat Effects on Nitrous Oxide Emissions, Production Pathways, and Reduction in Floodplain Soils. PhD Thesis University of Basel.

Steinle, L., 2016. Environmental controls on marine methane oxidation: From deep-sea brines to shallow coastal systems. PhD Thesis University of Basel.

Su, G. 2018. Anaerobic oxidation of methane in lake environments: rates, pathways, environmental controls and microorganisms. PhD Thesis University of Basel.

Weber, Y., 2017. Bacterial Tetraether Lipids in Lacustrine Environments - Implications for their use as Paleoclimate Proxies. PhD Thesis University of Basel.

Wenk, C. B., 2013. Nitrogen transformation pathways, rates, and isotopic signatures in Lake Lugano. PhD Thesis University of Basel.

