Teresa Einzmann - Research Interests and Education
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a powerful greenhouse gas and a major ozone destroying agent in the stratosphere. Atmospheric N2O concentrations have increased significantly over the last few decades, which can mostly be attributed to the expanding use of agricultural nitrogen (N) fertilizers. Lakes in urbanized and cultivated areas often receive high N loadings and therefore constitute important sites of N cycling. The processes producing and consuming N2O in freshwater lakes vary spatially as well as temporarily and the biogeochemical factors controlling N2O dynamics are still poorly constrained.
In my PhD project, I will investigate the biogeochemical controls on N2O cycling in Lake Lugano, a eutrophic lake located at the Swiss-Italian border, applying stable isotope techniques including isotope tracer experiments, and analysing microbial community compositions. My research aims to characterize the mechanisms underlying N2O production and consumption as well as the effects of changing environmental conditions (O2, nutrient availability) on these processes.
Educational background:
Since Aug 2021: PhD student in the Aquatic and Isotope Biogeochemistry Group of Prof Moritz Lehmann, University of Basel (CH)
Apr 2021 – Jul 2021: Research assistant in the Biogeochemistry Research Group, Heidelberg University (DE)
Oct 2017 – Mar 2021: Master of Science in Geosciences, Heidelberg University (DE)
Aug 2018 – Jun 2019: Erasmus studies, Lund University (SE)
- Oct 2014 – Sept 2017: Bachelor of Science in Geosciences, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen- Nuremberg (DE)
- Oct 2016 – Aug 2017: Student employee, Engineering Company HPC AG Nuremberg (DE)
Einzmann T, Schroll M, Kleint JF, Greule M and Keppler F (2022), Application of concentration and 2-dimensional stable isotope measurements of methane to constrain sources and sinks in a seasonally stratified freshwater lake. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:865862. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2022.865862

Teresa Einzmann
Biogeochemistry / University Basel
Bernoullistrasse 30
CH-4056 Basel
Tel. +41 (0)61 207 36 29
email: teresa.einzmann-at-unibas.ch