Research interests
My research revolves around the economics of water and land use. I use economic theory to study the design of policies aimed at eliminating inefficiencies in the use of water resources. These (optimally designed) policies, e.g. water prices and water caps have economy-wide impacts. In order to investigate these impacts, I use computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. CGE models are a powerful tool to conduct if-then ex-ante simulation analysis. These models can capture interdependencies among economic sectors and, therefore, are appropriate tool to carry out policy-oriented research.
In addition, I am interested in international trade in so-called virtual water and the water abundance-driven trade in agricultural commodities.
Curriculum vitae
4/2022 – ongoing: PhD candidate in Economics at the faculty of Business and Economics and the Environmental Science Department, Research Group “Global and regional land use change”.
5/2019- 3/2022: Research Assistant in the Household Economics Research Unit, Swiss TPH, Basel, Switzerland.
2/2019 - 2/2021: Master of Science (MSc) in Economics with focus on International Trade, Environment and Economic Growth, University Basel, Switzerland.
9/2016- 1/2019: B.A. in Business and Economics, University Basel, Switzerland.
2008: B.A. in German Studies (Germanistik), Egypt.

Abdelradi Mohammed
061 207 36 54
Klingelbergstrasse 27, 4056 Basel