Research Interests
My research focuses on how lake ecosystems have changed in the past regarding to climate and human interactions with their environment. To do to that I study remains of aquatic invertebrates (e.g. chironomids, aquatic insects, cladocerans) that preserve in lake sediments for thousands of years. These remains can be used to reconstruct past changes in temperature, oxygen availability or trophic states of lakes.
At the moment I am working on different projects:
- Changes in chironomid assemblages during the Last Glacial Period (Bergsee)
- Changes in aquatic invertebrate assemblages during the Holocene in the Swiss Plateau (Hüttwilersee, Bichelsee, Lützelsee, Moossee)
- Morphological identification and barcoding of chironomids to implement the DNA databases
Curriculum Vitae
as from Sept 2021 PhD, University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, Geoecology Research Group
2020 – 2021 Lab technician, University of Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, Geoecology Research Group
2018 – 2020 Master of Sciences (MSc) in Palaeoecology, University of Montpellier, France
2015 – 2018 Bachelor of Sciences (BSc) in Biology, University of Brest, France
2014 – 2015 Bachelor in Sport Sciences, University of Brest, France

Pierre Lapellegerie
Klingelbergstrasse 27
4056 Basel