

Blattner L, Ebner J, Zopfi J & von Fumetti S, 2021. «Targeted non-invasive bioindicator species detection in eDNA water samples to assess and monitor the integrity of vulnerable alpine freshwater environments». Ecological Indicators 129: 107916


Ebner J, Ritz D & von Fumetti S, 2020. «Abiotic and past climatic conditions drive protein abundance variation among natural populations of the caddisfly Crunoecia irrorata». Scientific Reports 10:15538


Blattner L, Gerecke R & von Fumetti, 2019. «Hidden biodiversity revealed by integrated morphology and genetic species delimitation of spring dwelling water mite species (Acari, Parasitengona: Hydrachnidia)». Parasites and Vectors 12:492.

Von Fumetti S & Schindhelm S, (2019) «Die Quellfauna im Naturschutzgebiet Krebsbachtal bei Weil am Rhein (Deutschland)». Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel 19: 101-114.

Ebner, N. J., Ritz, D. und von Fumetti, S. (2019) «Comparative proteomics of stenotopic caddisfly Crunoecia irrorata identifies acclimation strategies to warming», Molecular ecology. John Wiley & Sons, S. 54. doi: 10.1111/mec.15225.

Pešić V, Dmitrović D, Savić A, Milošević D, Zawal A, Vukašinović-Pešić V, Von Fumetti S. (2019) «Application of macroinvertebrate multimetrics as a measure of the impact of anthropogenic modification of spring habitats». Aquatic Conservation DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3021


Blattner, L. und von Fumetti, S. (2018) «Faunistic assemblages of natural springs in different areas in the Swiss Nationalpark», in Symposium for Research in Protected Areas. Salzburg: Salzburger Nationalparkfonds (6th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas), S. 69-72. doi: 10.1553/np_symposium2017.

von Fumetti, S. (2018) «Ecology of springs in the Swiss National Park: first results and future plans», in Symposium for Research in Protected Areas. Salzburg: Salzburger Nationalparkfonds (6th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas), S. 685-688. doi: 10.1553/np_symposium2017.

von Fumetti, S. (2018) «Springs under pressure», in Füreder, L., Weingartner, R., Heinrich, K., Braun, V., Köck, G., Lanz, K., und Scheurer, T. (Hrsg.). Austrian Academy of Sciences Press (Alpine Water – common good or source of conflicts? Proceedings of the ForumAlpinum 2018 and the 7th Water Conference ), S. 30-32. Verfügbar unter:

Von Fumetti, S. und Blaurock, K. (2018) «Effects of the herbicide Roundup® on the metabolic activity of Gammarus fossarum Koch, 1836 (Crustacea; Amphipoda)», Ecotoxicology, 27, S. 1249-1260. doi: 10.1007/s10646-018-1978-5.  


Von Fumetti S, Wigger F, Nagel P, 2017. Temperature variability and its influence on macroinvertebrate assemblages of alpine springs. Ecohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1878

Von Fumetti S, Dmitrović D, Pešić V,  2017. The influence of flooding and river connectivity on macroinvertebrate assemblages in rheocrene springs along a third-order river. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 190: 251-263. DOI: 10.1127/fal/2017/0992

Kelly-Quinn M , Biggs J, Von Fumetti S, 2017. Preface: The importance of small water bodies. Hydrobiologia 793: 1-2.  DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-3077-z

Biggs J, Von Fumetti S, Kelly-Quinn M , 2017. The importance of small water bodies for biodiversity and ecosystem services: implications for policy makers. Hydrobiologia 793: 3-39 DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-3007-0

von Fumetti S & Blattner L, 2017. Faunistic assemblages of natural springs in different areas in the Swiss National Park – a small-scale comparison. Hydrobiologia 793: 175-184 DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2788-5


Pešić V, Dmitrović D, Savić A & von Fumetti S, 2016. Studies on eucrenal-hypocrenal zonation of springs along the river mainstream: a case study of a karst canyon in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Biologia 7: 809-817

Reiss M, Martin P, Gerecke R & von Fumetti S, 2016. Limno-ecological characteristics and distribution patterns of spring habitats and biota from the Lowlands to the Alps. Environmental Earth Sciences 75: Art. No. 1033

Bodmer P, Freimann R, von Fumetti S, Robinson CT & Doering M, 2016. Spatio-temporal relationships between habitat types and microbial function of an upland floodplain. Aquatic Sciences 78: 241-254.

Von Fumetti S, Kaestli D, 2016. Wiederbesiedlung von Quellen im Südschwarzwald nach einem Austrocknungsereignis. In: Handbuch Angewandte Limnologie (Hrsg. Hupfer, M., Fischer, H.). 32 EL., 32 S.

Wigger F, 2016. Alpine springs under pressure? : assessing the environmental drivers of species assemblages. PhD Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.


Schmidlin L, von Fumetti S & Nagel P, 2015. Effects of increased temperatures on Gammarus fossarum under the influence of copper sulphate. Ecotoxicology 24: 433-444.

Schmidlin L, von Fumetti S & Nagel P, 2015. Temperature effects on the feeding and electron transport system (ETS) activity of Gammarus fossarum. Aquatic Ecology 161: 138–145.

Schmidlin L, von Fumetti S & Nagel P, 2015. Copper sulphate reduces the metabolic activity of Gammarus fossarum in laboratory and field experiments. Aquatic Toxicology 49(1): 71-80.

Wigger FW, Schmidlin L, Nagel P & von Fumetti S, 2015. Macroinvertebrate assemblages of natural springs along an altitudinal gradient in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland. Annales de Limnologie 51: 237-247.

Branciard L. & von Fumetti S, 2015. Sources de la région des Alpettes et du Niremont dans les Préalpes fribourgeoises. Bulletin de la Société fribourgeoise des sciences naturelles 104: 43-62

Schmidlin L, 2015 Spring gammarids in difficulties? : gammarus fossarum exposed to copper and rising temperatures. PhD Thesis, University of Basel, Faculty of Science.

Forschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark

Arnet G, 2017. Ökologische Charakterisierung ausgewählter Quellen auf Macun. Bachelorarbeit, Universität Basel.

Ruggli C, 2017. Datenaggregation und Analyse aus 100 Jahren Quellforschung im Schweizerischen Nationalpark. Masterarbeit, Universität Basel.

Mühlemann L, 2017. Quellen und Wasseraustritte im Tal der Clemgia im Unterengadin (GR). Masterarbeit, Universität Basel.

Blattner L, 2015. Die Verbreitung von Quellorganismen in Tälern des Schweizer Nationalparks. Bachelorarbeit, Universität Basel.

Forlin L, 2015. Kleinräumiger hydrogeologischer und faunistischer Vergleich von Quellen und dem Gletscherabfluss in der Val da l’Acqua, Schweizer Nationalpark. Bachelorarbeit, Universität Basel.