Deep soil ectomycorrhizal communities of beech forests

Project members

Dr. Thais Guillen Otero



Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) form symbioses with trees and provide key services related to nutrients and water uptake that are essential for tree health. The symbiosis is increasingly in focus because of concerns about forest health due to climate change, in particular tree resilience to drought. Deep routing plants are typically more resistant to periods of drought and their root distribution patterns across different soil depths is well understood. In contrast, little is known about EMF species and their functioning in nutrient and water supply in deep soil layers. Furthermore, EMF functioning is often compromised due to additional environmental stress, for example nitrogen deposition, soil acidification or drought. EMF distributions and investigations on environmental effects in deep soil layers are notoriously difficult to study and therefore, current knowledge is primarily limited to near-surface horizons, mainly down to 10 cm or 25 cm soil depth. This project is specifically ‘digging deeper’ down to 100 cm and takes advantage of the long-term forest observation monitoring network consisting of 21 beech forest sites in Switzerland. The network exists since 1984 and covers large gradients in nitrogen deposition, soil chemistry and drought with a wealth of meta-data, including tree vitality, for holistic interpretation. The key experimental resource, however, is the archive of 2100 EMF samples from soil cores collected from layers down to 100 cm. Here, we make use of improvements in DNA extraction from small amounts of EMF mycelium and highly accurate long-read sequencing to characterise the EMF communities in deep soils. Half the samples from the archive consist of EMF mycelium collected from so called ingrowth mesh bags and the other half are root tip samples collected at the same depths. The ingrowth mesh bags function as ‘enrichment traps’ that enable sampling of pure fungal mycelium and, therefore, provide a unique opportunity to specifically study deep soil fungi. With this project we will characterise the deep soil EMF communities at high resolution and uncover their abundance patterns in response to drought, N deposition and tree physiology. Furthermore, we make use of the enrichment of EMF DNA within mesh bags to apply shotgun metagenomics. This will permit novel and direct functional insights into deep soil EMF communities, advancing our understanding of the role of EMF symbiosis in efficient exploitation of deeply located nutrient and water resources for improved tree health.