Environmental Geosciences - Thesis
Ein Doktorat beinhaltet die Ausbildung von kreativen, kritischen und autonomen Forschenden. Die Aneignung von entsprechenden Qualifikationen liegt hauptsächlich in der Verantwortung der Promovierenden, welche in Absprache mit dem Betreuungsteam, bzw. dem Doktoratskommittee definiert werden (Auszug aus dem LERU Advice Paper, Good practice elements in doctoral training, 2014)
The objective of a doctorate is to educate creative, critical and autonomous researchers. Skills development should be driven by the doctoral candidates themselves, in consultation with their supervisory team, in order to become independent both in their research and in their personal development (according to LERU Advice Paper, Good practice elements in doctoral training, 2014).
aktuelle Doktorate / phDs of the team
- Cox, T.: Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of Soil Sediments
- Einbock, Annika.: Flux of particles able to initiate first ice in clouds
abgeschlossene Dorktorate / Former Doctorates
- Wang, Y. (2022): Ecosystem carbon and nitrogen losses from temperate agricultural peatland with mineral soil coverage.
- Klein, K.J. (2022): A molecular approach to the assessment of peat organic matter - investigating ecosystem-driven differences in chemical composition.
- Wohlgemuth, L. (2022): Seasonal impact of vegetation on atmospheric elemental mercury dry deposition
- Gross-Schmölders, M. (2021): Combining biogeochemical and modelling approach to assess peatland restoration.
- Mignani, C. (2021): Relevance of biological particles in atmospheric ice formation at moderate supercooling
- Zweifel, L. (2021): Identifying soil erosion processes in the Alps using machine learning techniques.
- Hirave, P. (2020): Freshwater sediment source fingerprinting using compound-specific isotope analysis: Suitability and application.
- Schmidt, S.(2019): Soil Erosion Risk Modelling in the Alps – ERKBerg as a Prototype of ERK2 for mountain zones III, IV and summering grazing zones
- Arata, L. (2019): Soil erosion assessment in alpine grasslands using fallout radionuclides: critical points, solutions and applications, pp.1-112.
- Stopelli, E. (2016) Biological ice nucleating particles at tropospheric cloud height, pp.1-94.
- Osterwalder, S. (2016) Land-atmosphere exchange of elemental mercury: New insights using a novel relaxed eddy accumulation system and enclosure techniques, pp.1-154.
- Krüger, J.P. (2016) Peatland degradation indicated by stable isotope depth profiles and soil carbon loss, pp.1-137.
- Panagos, P. (2015) Soil Erosion modelling at European scale by using high resolution input layers, pp.1-213.
- Müller, M. H. (2014) Stream geochemistry and water flow path in alpine headwater catchments: influence of shrub ercroachment and soil cover, pp.1-125.
- Cartier, L. E. H. (2014) Sustainability and traceability in marine cultured pearl production, pp.1-126.
- Schindler, Y. (2013) The impact of fine sediment in small rivers: Method development and effects on brown trout redds, pp.1-137.
- Xia, Yu (2011) Exploring Atmospheric Exchange with Natural Tracers, pp.1-72.
- Konz Hohwieler, N. (2010) Quantification of Soil Erosion in the Alps - Measurement and Modeling, pp.1-101.
- Meusburger, K. (2009) Soil Erosion in the Alps - causes and risk assessment, pp.1-117.
- Fritsche, J. (2009) Peatland degradation indicated by stable isotope depth profiles and soil carbon loss. pp.1-95
- Schaub, M. (2008) Stable and Radiogenic Isotopes as Tracers for Soil Degradation, pp. 1-86.
- Vieten, B. (2008) N2O reduction in soils, pp.1-54.
- Szegvary, T. (2007) European 222RN Flux Map for Atmospheric Tracer Applications, pp.1-75.
phD Links
Mögliche phD-Betreuer
- <link de personen christine-alewell external-link-new-window internal link in current>Christine Alewell
- Jens Leifeld
phD supervisor
- <link de personen christine-alewell external-link-new-window internal link in current>Christine Alewell
- Jens Leifeld