Current state and temperature development of groundwater resources

FOEN research project Hydro-CH2018

Climate change will have both quantitative and qualitative impacts on groundwater resources. These impacts differ for groundwater resources in bedrock and unconsolidated rock, urban or rural locations, and the dominating processes of groundwater recharge.

Understanding the development of future groundwater uses and temperatures requires a differentiated view of geological site conditions and relevant hydrogeological processes, including processes of groundwater recharge, "positive and negative feedbacks," and direct anthropogenic influences. These fundamentals are essential to understand the response of groundwater resources to anthropogenic changes and climate change impacts. The project objective of the Hydro-CH2018 add-on module "Current status and temperature development of Swiss unconsolidated groundwater resources" was a differentiated consideration of the influences that determine groundwater temperatures.


Development of different groundwater recharge processes and temperature imprint in Swiss unconsolidated aquifers.

Commissioned by: Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)

Project duration: 2017 – 2020

AUG: Jannis Epting, Peter Huggenberger, Annette Affolter