Hydrogeology Group
Welcome to the home of the Hydrogeology Research Group.
The Hydrogeology Research Group is led by Prof. Dr. Oliver S. Schilling and develops both fundamental concepts as well as quantitative methods for the study of the interactions between surface water, shallow and deep groundwater, as well as groundwater dependent ecosystems. Integral part of the Hydrogeology Research Group is the Applied and Environmental Geology (AUG) working group under the lead of PD. Dr. Jannis Epting. The AUG's focus lies on the study of, and the development of application-oriented methods for, urban geology and hydrogeology as well as the management of water, energy and underground resources.
The Hydrogeology Research Group is part of the Department of Environmental Sciences (DUW) of the University of Basel and the Department Water Resources and Drinking Water of Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology. The Hydrogeology Research Group is also active member of the Swiss Water Earth-Systems PhD School.
University of Basel
Department Environmental Sciences
Hydrogeology Research Group
Bernoullistr. 32
CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland
phone +41 61 207 3591
Info - News - Events
2024 publication | See our new original article on the first He4/U-Th dating of quaternary deposits in the journal Geology. Tomonaga, Y., Buechi, M. W., Deplazes, G., & Kipfer, R. (2024). First dating of an early Chibanian (Middle Pleistocene) glacial overdeepening in the Alpine Foreland using the 4He/U-Th method. Geology. https://doi.org/10.1130/G52544.1 |
2024 | It is with great pleasure that we welcome Dr. Qi Tang back in our team. She now has the role of senior scientist in the SNSF BRIDGE Discovery project Integrated Hydrological Modelling for Operational Forecasting and Decision-making, and is continuing to act as the national coordinator of the Water-Earth Systems PhD School |
2024 publication | See our new perspectives article on Mountain-Cryospehre-Groundwater interactions in Nature Water. The article is the culmination of a fantastic workshop and initiative by the three lead authors and the Mountain Research Insititute MRI. Van Tiel, M., Aubry-Wake, C., Somers, L. D., Andermann, C., Avanzi, F., Baraer, M., Chiogna, G., Daigre, C., Das, S., Drenkhan, F., Farinotti, D., Fyffe, C., de Graaf, I. E. M., Hanus, S., Immerzeel, W. W., Koch, F., McKenzie, J. M., Müller, T., Popp, A. L., Saidaliyeva, Z., Schaefli, B., Schilling, O. S., Teagai, K., Thornton, J. M., & Yapiye, V. (2024). Cryosphere-groundwater connectivity is a missing link in the mountain water cycle. Nat. Water, 2, 624-637. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44221-024-00277-8 |
2024 publication | See our new review article on the hydrological application of eDNA in WIREs Water. The review has been conducted in the framework of an eDNA4hydrology initiative launched by Dr. Natalie Ceperley. URycki, D. R., Kirtane, A., Aronoff, R., Avila, C., Blackman, R. C., Carraro, L., Evrard, O., Good, S. P., Hoyos, D., López-Rodríguez, N., Mora, D., Schadewell, Y., Schilling, O. S., & Ceperley, N. (2024). A new flowpath: eDNA connecting hydrology and biology. WIREs Water, e1749. https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1749 |
2024 publication | See our original paper on the simulation of large-scale/regional groundwater-surface water interactions in Journal of Hydrology: Delottier, H., Schilling, O. S., & Therrien, R. (2024). Assessing the impact of surface water and groundwater interactions for regional-scale simulations of water table elevation. J. Hydrol., 639, 131641. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131641 |
2024 publication | See our new original article on HGS-PDAF, the coupling of the data assimilation toolbox PDAF to the integrated surface-subsurface hydrological model HydroGeoSphere in the journal Geoscientific Model Development: Tang, Q., Delottier, H., Kurtz, W., Nerger, L., Schilling, O. S., & Brunner, P. (2024). HGS-PDAF (version 1.0): A modular data assimilation framework for an integrated surface and subsurface hydrological model. Geosci. Model Dev., 17(8), 3559-3578. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-3559-2024 |
2024 publication | Oliver Schilling contributed the prologue to the recent Aqua&Gas journal with a focus on water resources: Schilling, O. S. (2024). Prolog: Daten für nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft nötig. Aqua & Gas, 9/24. |
2024 publication | See our new outreach article the thermal use of underground structures in Aqua&Gas: Epting, J., Affolter, A., Dresmann, H., Février, S., & Schilling, O. S. (2024). Thermischer Einfluss von Untergrund-Bauten - Evaluierungsansätze und Nutzenpotenziale. Aqua & Gas, 6/24. |
2024 publication | The hydrogeology research group is currently editing a special edition in Frontiers in Water on “Advances in Integrated Surface—Subsurface Hydrological Modeling”, together with Prof. Matteo Camporese of Uni Padova and Prof. Hoori Ajami of UC Riverside. The submission window is now open and we invite relevant contributions to the topic.” |
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