Willkommen auf der Homepage der Professur Hydrogeologie.

Die Professur Hydrogeologie unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Oliver Schilling besteht aus der Forschungsgruppe (FG) Hydrogeologie (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Oliver Schilling) sowie der Arbeitsgruppe Angewandte und Umweltgeologie (AUG) (Leitung: PD. Dr. Jannis Epting), welche integraler Bestandteil Forschungsgruppe Hydrogeologie ist.

Die Professur Hydrogeologie ist Teil des Departementes Umweltwissenschaften (DUW) der Universität Basel und der Abteilung Wasserressourcen und Trinkwasser der Eawag, dem Wasserforschungs-Institut des ETH-Bereichs, angegliedert. Die Professur ist zudem Teil der Swiss Water Earth-Systems PhD School.

Universität Basel
Departement Umweltwissenschaften
Bernoullistr. 30/32
CH-4056 Basel, Schweiz
Tel: +41 61 207 3591

Info - News - Events

2024 Conferences

“The hydrogeology research group is proud to announce that it is co-organizing this year’s IAH World Groundwater Congress, which is taking place in Davos from 8.-13. September. We are convening three sessions, one on Advances in inverse modelling, data assimilation and uncertainty quantification for hydrogeological simulations”, one on “Groundwater temperatures in the context of global warming and anthropogenic influences - risks and opportunities”, and one on “Innovative field and tracer methods””

2024 publication

“The hydrogeology research group is currently editing a special edition in Frontiers in Water onAdvances in Integrated Surface—Subsurface Hydrological Modeling”, together with Prof. Matteo Camporese of Uni Padova and Prof. Hoori Ajami of UC Riverside. The submission window is now open and we invite relevant contributions to the topic.”

2024 conferences“The hydrogeology research group is hosting a session at this year’s Japan Geoscience Union Meeting taking place in Tokyo from 26. – 31. May. We invite submissions to session A-HW19Tracer Hydrology: Advances in Measurement and Modelling”.
2024 conferences“The hydrogeology research group is hosting a session at this year’s Goldschmidtconference taking place in Chicago from 18. – 23. August. We invite submissions to session 10bTracer methods and applications to explore physical and biogeochemical processes in water

1.1.2024 team

«It is our great pleasure to welcome Dr. Arkadiusz Glogowski to our team in Basel. Dr. Glogowski holds a PhD in Climate Sciences from Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and is an expert on bioclimate modelling and agricultural hydrogeology. He is leading the research in our SNSF-NCN (Weave)-funded research project "Sustainable nitrogen fertilization for agricultural crops developed based on open lab and field experiments with integrated hydrological modelling in near-real-time" (SNSF project 216926), which we conduct in close collaboration with Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland.»

1.12.2023 event

The hydrogeology research group hosted the Annual Conference of the Swiss Water-Earth Systems PhD School at the University of Basel. It was a great success and we very much enjoyed meeting everyone again and learning about the progress of all the different, water-related PhD theses going on in Switzerland. (photo)


Experte PD Dr. Jannis Epting im Interview - Verkehrsmonitor: Wie Tiefgaragen Häuser beheizen könnten
und - ARD Audiothek: Abwärme aus Tiefgaragen nutzbar machen

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