Biogeochem Group News

08.07.2024Our latest Video of our teaching activities in Giglio, Italy
02.07.2024Congratulations Carolina! Carolina Fernandes very successfully defended her outstanding PhD work on Isotope fractionation of molecular oxygen during enzymatic O2 consuming processes in aquatic environments.
15.03.2024We welcome Nathalie Lalonde as our new secretary
01.10.2023Congratulations Madeleine! Madeleine Santos won the ETH Silver Medal for her MSc thesis on "Tracking Holocene sea ice and paleoenvironment evolution in the Beaufort Shelf, Arctic Ocean"
01.10.2023We welcome Madeleine Santos as a new PhD to our group 
01.08.2023We welcome Julie Lattaud in our group
04.06.2023Lehmann Group at ASLO
01.03.2023We welcome Jochem Baan as a new PostDoc to the Biogeochemistry Group
01.10.2022We welcome Halima Zaljevic as our new secretary
27.09.2022Fieldwork Svalbard, Norway
01.08.2022New member of the Biogeochem group Saskia Läubli
01.05.2022Fieldwork with Dr. Jakob Zopfi (Uni Basel) and colleagues from the Polish Academy of Sciences stayed at the Polish Polar Station at Hornsund (Spitzbergen, Norway) to explore greenhouse gas (GHG) formation and emissions from high Arctic lakes. After drilling trough 1.7 m of solid ice, water samples were collected to characterize the chemistry and microbiology at different depths in the lake. Moreover, sensor chains were installed to monitor continuously various physical and chemical parameters under the ice, during ice cover melting, and during the upcoming summer season. The ultimate goal is to quantify the fluxes of the greenhouse gases(GHG), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), into the atmosphere or from the atmosphere into the lake. This research will reveal whether the new ecosystems that form after the disappearance of glaciers, such as lakes, creeks, and wetlands, will represent potential sinks or additional sources of GHG.
01.03.2022Jules Millet and Anja Studer from the Biogeochemistry group went to visit their collaborators Christian Bigler and Johan Rydberg at Umeå University, Sweden, during March 2022. Together, they went field sampling on Lake Nylandssjön, which is a small, dimictic, mesotrophic lake in Northern Sweden. They collected water and plankton samples through the ice, but most importantly, they retrieved sediment cores from the lake bottom. Since about 100 years, the sediment of Lake Nylandssjön preserves varves of excellent quality, which can be subsampled at an annual resolution when retrieved by freeze-coring. The Lake Nylandssjön sediments will allow us to study diagenetic alteration of organic nitrogen contained within diatom frustules on decadal timescales.
22.12.2021Martin Ley successfully defended his PhD work on N2O emissions from floodplain soil‘s. Congratulations Martin!
01.10.2021Teresa Einzmann ASI-Vortragspreisträgerin 2021 ASI
20.08.2021Watch Camerons great vidoe about our field class in the Cadagno Lake region
13.04.2021Lehmann lab in the Atlantic - Impact of amazon river discharge on nitrous oxide greenhouse gas emissions Instagram
11.03.2021Karin Liesenfeld Farewell
09.03.2021Bartosiewicz, M. P. Rzepka, and M.F. Lehmann (2021). Tapping freshwaters for methane and energy. Environmental, Science and Technology;
02.03.2021We welcome Stella Binder as our new secretary
06.01.2021Latest Publication: Sun, X., Frey, C., Garcia-Robledo, E., Jayakumar A., Ward B.Microbial niche differentiation explains nitrite oxidation in marine oxygen minimum zones. ISME J (2021).
04.01.2021We welcome Dr. Cameron Callbeck as a new PostDoc to the Biogeochemistry Group
04.01.2021Latest Publication: Niederdorfer, R., Hausherr, D., Palomo, A., Wei, J., Magyar, P., Smets, B.F., Joss, A. & Bürgmann, H.. Temperature modulates stress response in mainstream anammox reactors. Commun Biol 4, 23 (2021).
25.10.2020AlumniGeo awards master thesis of Laura Szemberski - Congratulation!
01.10.2020The new PhD-candidats Alessandra Mazzoli and Tim Paulus start their work - Welcome in the Biogeochemistry Group
01.09.2020Latest Publication: Visser, A.-N., S.D. Wankel, P. A. Niklaus, J.M. Byrne, A.A. Kappler, M.F. Lehmann (2020). Impact of reactive surfaces on the abiotic reaction between nitrite and ferrous iron and associated nitrogen and oxygen isotope dynamics. Biogeosciences, 17, 4355–4374, 2020;
25.05.2020Now the two PhD-positions are also filled
11.05.2020The two PhD-positions are still vacant
30.04.202033386 - Microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of alpine aquatic ecosystems postponed to FS 21
25.02.2020Open Positions - two PhD and one PostDoc position - - submit your application via the the UniBas e-recruiting platform
18.02.202033386 - Microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of alpine aquatic ecosystems (flyer, pdf 870 kb) in collaboration with the ETH Zürich from 19.07. - 25.07.2020
13.01.2020Science Daily "Climate gas budgets highly overestimate methane discharge from Arctic Ocean"
10.12.2019Latest Publication: Cojean, A.N.Y., J. Zopfi, A. Gerster, C. Frey, F. Lepori, M.F. Lehmann (2019). Direct O2 control on the partitioning between denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium in lake sediments. Biogeosciences, 16, 4705-4718,
26.09.2019Congratulations! Maciej’s latest paper got featured in the latest issues of Nature Climate Change as Research Highlight?
24.08.2019Latest Publication: Bartosiewicz, M., A. Przytulska, J.-F. Lapierre, I. Laurion, M. F. Lehmann and R.  Maranger (2019). Hot tops, cold bottoms: Synergistic climate warming and shielding effects increase carbon burial in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography Letters; doi: 10.1002/lol2.10117
01.-12.07.2019Field Course "Marine Biology and Biogeochemistry in Elba, Italy" Photo Gallery
27.06.2019Defense Adeline COJEAN, Lecture-room 223 Bernoullianum, 15h
14.05.2019Geo-Microbiology and Bio-Geochemistry in Alpine Environment together with ETH Zürich, Dr. K. Hanselmann from 02.09. - 07.09.2019
23.04.2019Swiss Polar Day Bern 
The Swiss Polar Day gathers the Swiss scientific community around international keynote speakers active in the Arctic, Antarctic and high-altitude regions. Claudia Frey presented the plans of our new project "Greenmelt - Impact of Greenland Ice Melt on ocean productivity" taking part at the SPI organized expedition around Greenland "GLACE".

Former Lehmann group researcher Helge Niemann appointed as professor Microbial and isotope biogeochemistry - Utrecht University

11.-15.02.2019Methods in Environmental Geosciences: Principles in Aquatic Biogeochemistry - Lab Training for Students
06.-08.02.2019Fun & Sciences in Engelberg - see Photo Gallery
10.01.2019Info-Tag Bachelor an der Universität Basel - Programm der Geowissenschaften
20.12.2018Defense Guangyi SU, Lecture room 103, Bernoullianum 10:15h
09.11.2018News: Hydrobiologie-Limnologie-Stiftung für Gewässerforschung verleiht Hydrobiologie-Limnologie-Preis 2018 Dr. Yuki Weber für seine Dissertation
09.10.2018Updated list of Master projects
18.04.2018Lake Cadagno is a small meromictic lake in the southern Swiss Alps at 1921 m altitude. It is a well-established model system for an Early Earth Ocean. The biogeochemical processes operating during the short summer months have been investigated in great detail. But the lake is difficult to access in winter and therefore not much is known about the physical and chemical conditions under the ice cover. Even less is known about the microorganisms dwelling in the dark, cold water and the biogeochemical processes they are driving. A team from the Biogeochemistry Group, Jessica, Paul, Maciej and Jakob, set out to explore the wintertime microbial communities and to determine how much of the greenhouse gas methane is produced and trapped under the ice cover.
01.02.2018In February, we spent two exciting days in the Swiss Alps near Engelberg, where everyone presented his/her projects. Great scientific exchange, and a lot of fun in the snow. Zschokke Haus, we will come again!
25.11.2016News: Prix de Quervain 2016 für Polar- und Höhenforschung für Dr. Lea Steinle "
Environmental controls on marine methane oxidation: From deep-sea brines to shallow coastal systems"
06.12.2016Prof. Dr. Moritz Lehmann was promoted full professor
2014News: Hydrobiologie-Limnologie-Stiftung, Zürich - Hydrobiologie-Limnologie-Preis 2014 Dr. Christine Wenk für ihre Dissertation “Nitrogen transformation pathways, rates, and isotopic signatures of Lake Lugano”