Environmental Geosciences / Biogeochemistry
As part of the BSc and MSc Geosciences program at the DUW, Environmental Geosciences and Biogeochemistry play an important role in the curriculum. Within the subject area “Biogeochemistry”, we specifically study natural and anthropogenically impacted element cycles in aquatic and terrestrial environments, as well as the environmental controls, physical boundary conditions, and biological processes involved. Core courses include general lectures in oceanography, limnology and limnogeology, microbial ecology, isotope geochemistry, organic geochemistry and geomicobiology, always with a focus on biogeochemical aspects and the cycling of elements at various spatial and temporal scales, and often in the context of recent environmental change (e.g., eutrophication, climate change).
More practical work includes projects in our stable isotope and geochemical laboratories, various excursions, and field classes, for example in the Lake Cadagno area and on the Island of Giglio.
Isotope, geochemical, and/or molecular methods represent important components within the frame of BSc and MSc projects offered by our group. Students should be interested in interdisciplinary approaches, combining field work and laboratory analyses.